We are now in the midst of a Republican Revolution. They are attempting to take complete control of the country by both legal and clearly illegal means. Unless and until they are challenged in court and in the voting booth on everything they are doing, they will continue down their path of wanton destruction. It's not being done willy nilly. As crazy as it may seem, I believe there is a concerted effort being orchestrated by ALEC and the likes of the Koch Brothers. among others. Well, hell. I guess I've become a conspiracy theorist. It's just hard not to.
Why aren't more people taking them to court over all of the new abortion legislation or the new voting regulations designed to suppress the likely Democratic vote? Why don't more doctors and nurses speak out against the usurpation of their authority as medical professionals by legislators, who by and large have no license to practice medicine?
Things are unraveling in this country. It's coming apart from all angles, from high and low. How long will it be before one or more of these paramilitary hate groups decide they've had enough of whatever it is they find so intolerable and grab their assault weapons and start shooting? How long before Americans will start being killed by random road side bombs - maybe even suicide bombers? And they won't be Al Qaida or other radical muslims doing these things. It will be Americans killing other Americans.
I find the religious Right perhaps the most dangerous. It is their stated goal to establish an American Theocracy, and any means to that end is justifiable in their eyes, because god is on their side. They have already demonstrated they are more than willing to target and kill doctors and bomb abortion clinics. When might the other shoe drop? We have had state legislators around the country proclaim that it's time to take up arms. There are literally hundreds of internet crazies who are just itching for a fight. I think it's just a matter of time. Once such a precedent is set, once someone acts, this country may turn into another Iraq or similar to other places plagued by indiscriminate violence.
The blame, as I see it, falls squarely on the shoulders of the Republicans who refuse to disavow such actions or attempt to separate themselves from outrageous statements. That fuckhat Palin campaigned against Obama talking about how he used to "pal around with terrorists." Well look at the bedfellows Republicans keep. They appear at functions with many really Right Wing radicals and invite them to openly appear at campaign and fund raising functions. Rand Paul now has at least one on his staff. Rather frighteningly, the Right Wing crazies have control of the House of Representatives.
Again, I say that the people we will ultimately have to arm ourselves against are those Right Wingnut crazies. And why has all this transpired? Because we have a black man in the White House.
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I originally posted this nearly 3 years ago. Little has happened to make me believe that my fears are not being realized. The upcoming election will hopefully stem the tide of hate and repression being carried out largely by the Right. If they capture the White House while maintaining control of Congress, much of my most dire predictions may well come to pass.
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